The Review
The Paris Review No. 211

Vivian Gornick on the art of memoir: “That’s the hardest thing to do—to stay with a sentence until it has said what it should say, and then to know when that has been accomplished.” Michael Haneke on the art of screenwriting: “A strict form such as mine cannot be achieved through improvisation.” James Wood and Karl Ove Knausgaard on writing My Struggle: “The difference interests me a lot—the difference between what you should do and what you really do. ”
New fiction by Karl Ove Knausgaard, Ottessa Moshfegh, Joe Dunthorne, Saïd Sayrafiezadeh, and Sam Savage. An essay by Karl Ove Knausgaard and aphorisms by Sarah Manguso.
Poems by Cathy Park Hong, Phillis Levin, Frederick Seidel, Sylvie Baumgartel, Brenda Shaughnessy, Jeff Dolven, and Jana Prikryl. A portfolio of photographs by Marc Yankus.