The Review
The Paris Review No. 200

Bret Easton Ellis on the art of fiction: "American Psycho came out of a place of severe alienation and loneliness and self-loathing. I was pursuing a life—you could call it the Gentleman’s Quarterly way of living—that I knew was bullshit, and yet I couldn’t seem to help it."
Maggie Paley’s interview with Terry Southern—in the works since 1967!
New fiction by Lorrie Moore, David Means, and Matt Sumell. Essays by David Searcy and John Jeremiah Sullivan. Literary paint chips by Leanne Shapton and Ben Schott, and a portfolio of Prabuddha Dasgupta's photographs curated by Geoff Dyer.
Poems from Adrienne Rich, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Susan Barbour, Stephen Dunn, Yusef Komunyakaa, Maureen N. McLane, Nicanor Parra, and Frederick Seidel.